Still Time To Participate

The red dot award is an indisputable mark on design capabilities, of imagination, innovation and competition in the creative industry.
Each year, designers, companies and institutions around the world seek to prove their innovative ness and creativity by submitting their works to the red dot award: design concept. Not only this brings out the best in them but also provides recognition and an indication on the marketability of future products. The red dot award: design concept is one of the largest professional design concept competitions in the world.
Designers, there is still time to participate, to showcase your best ideas, concepts and prototypes before the end of standard registration for the red dot award: design concept 2010.
Standard registration: till 1st July. Entry submission deadline: till 9th July
Late registration: 2 Jul – 8 Jul 2010. and late entry submission deadline: 12 Jul 2010
Check here: dates, categories and if need be faq.
Register here.