Category Archives: barren walls

Exciting Times – II

I said these are exciting times. In fact these are a little overwhelming times for me!!

Have too many butterflies in my stomach!

An African café in Europe!  How does it sound!

I have a request to suggest design ideas for the café.

Another request for redesigning a traditional Kerala home

A dear reader friend wants help in defining textiles and patterns for ‘a thing’ of everyday use! (Please let me not spill all the beans!)

A mega post or better still an e-book is taking shape.

A student has asked for a specific post on yacht and ship interiors!

(Does this mean – power of blogging?)thanks animated gif by DesignFlute

Thank You by DesignFlute

All these and few more ideas are being converted in posts.

How soon I will share? The answer now is – yikes!!

(I really think I need 72 hours a day. Anybody lending this commodity!)

Before the year end (2008) I wanted to put a very small design portfolio on Coroflot /Behance/ Design Spotter (yav..yikes..eee… whatever)!!!

 Hopefully this dream of mine will see the light of the day this year.

walk while you walk 1 by DesignFlutewalk while you walk 2 by DesignFlute

I am grateful to family and friends (for taking me granted that I can design anything and everything and just dumping the task on me!),

to young designers (who not just inspired me but really egged me on with their very positive words & wishes!)

to my dear readers (even though complete strangers they lovingly demanded to see my own designs!)

and to all my blogger friends.

Last but not at all the least –

In last six months I have got quite a few sponsorship offers!

Doesn’t it sound wow & why did I have to throw it away!

As wordpress don’t allow ads I have to move to my own hosting!

Yes! I have something very special to share with you all – I am moving!

I will not stop blogging here but my main platform will be the one I will announce soon.

(Yeah! I need all the luck!)

Too exited now…

There are too many things pending too … time to run off …


Exciting Times – I


Ever had a dream of flying! Know that weightless – exhilarating feeling!

I feel I am flying!

These are real exciting times.

sunset by DesignFlute

Photoshop image by DesignFlute

(Inspired by this Flickr photograph)


The culprit ‘time’ is on the run!

I always thought these are last of my ‘too busy’ days. I would have more time from next week, next month …..

And now the next year has already begun!

moti-barzilay, clock

Israeli time

Designer: Moti Barzilay

A clock that shows Israeli characteristics of ‘ doing things perfectly on schedule’.


Last year had proved totally impossible on time front.

So first few apologies…,

And then gratitude, thanks and exiting news to share…

I have too many requests pending from designers.

I am sure who wrote sweet e-mails to me must have written me off as a complete prude! (I am not one and will try to communicate even it sounds too late!)

I have been tagged twice – first I felt shy to write about myself. But as I sat down to think; many a thing fell into place. I specially want to thank Vineeta of artnlight for tagging me as I started to see myself in a clearer perspective (which was overdue)!

(And yes I wanted to make a short film instead of a post. Now I know that was a wrong decision.)

I have not been able to visit design blogosphere in last six (six? It should be ten!) months. I used to maintain a 5 day blogging schedule and see how erratic it has become. This ends too.

(Do all these sound like new year resolutions never to be followed! Nooo! Please…)

Exciting Times – II follows …