Designer Singh Intrachooto @ OSISU papi stool
Bangkok based Thai architect, author and designer Singh Intrachooto produces functional furniture art pieces that integrate local crafts and skilled carpentry with pure passion under the brand Osisu. Each piece is hand crafted from materials left to waste at construction sites or discarded from manufacturing processes.
PAPI-Stool has paper torso, which has been carefully stitched by hands into organic patterns-to celebrate and not to camouflage the salvaged material. It is slightly undersize with the seating dimensions of an A4 sheet. Supported entirely by layers of embroidered papers salvaged from offices.It comes fron Etcetera collection.
Etcetera is a collection where recycled and salvaged materials have been transformed by the hands of tailors, carpenters and artisans to achieve a modern appearance.

tilee diamonds
Solid and straightforward woodwork, hand-pieced from teak morsels. Two cubes are simply merged for wider seating. Its top surface displays an array of wood grains, making Tilee-Diamonds subtly animated and fresh.
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