by James Toggweiler
Throw away all your boring looking pots for plants and get these stunning soulmates for your plants ‘Rotoform Vessels’!
This is not a pot, this is not a vase, this is a vessel created for a specific plant!
Infact this is a project done every year by industrial design students of Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, US).
Inspired by a specific plant, students create three-dimensional, rotationally formed vessel which has volume and flat plane too.
These are not mere study forms. These vessels are meant to contain living plants and so light and water requirements for the plant, the character of the plant form, and environmental context is taken into consideration.
The vessels are created using turned wooden forms to shape styrene sheet stock through a vaccum thermoforming process. The formed sheets are than shaped, pierced, assembled with adhesives, and refined by sanding and finishing.
Amazingly inspiring! Aren’t these!
You must check all other creations by students of batch Fall 2008 here.
I was excited for more so I dig here (Fall 2007),
here (Fall 2006) and
here (Fall 2005) too.
(All images courtesy Carnegie Mellon University)