Its only 2-3 days that I have come to know about work of artist Hiromi Sato. I go back again and again and again to her site white-eggs and every time I come back satisfied but craving for more.
my favourite hobby now- star fishing,
my what joy in blowing away stars

yayavar (hindi word for wanderer)

rainbow factory

my lights
let’s catch the sun fast

I see no red

let’s boat to dreamland
I do want to have all of her creations. I know I won’t tire ever of such simplicity, nature, dreams, hope and fun.

turtle ferry
I think when I would be little down I would go to her site.

Spread the table cloth of life
Her new Mimi series :

Can’t resist a few more:

the legend and me

the lon…g letter of love

I want to live in this house

do you want this book case
Her site is in Japanese and can’t decipher anything but her art speaks ever so softly to me. I tried translation sites but without much help.

going my way
Don’t miss her A to z series( click on the 3rd photo) here.
Note: except ‘going my way’ and ‘rainbow factory’ all other titles are my interpretations.