Category Archives: Funtoosh

humour, fun, naughty

memory and ties


shopping bag

Designer: Mårten Lindquist @ Plenty Design

For some stiff upper neck freedom!

Wear your formality on your bag!

Tie-recycling! A shopping-bag by Plenty in collaboration with Beyond Retro Stockholm.


shower curtain

For those who are excellent bathroom singers but have problems with memory!

The one who can’t remember even one full song!

“Singing in the Rain” shower curtain. (Though I think it is a bit romantic…)



Again something for forgetfulness and mostly for paranoia!

The doormat ‘Reminder’ says:


The second one says: IRON, STOVE, WINDOW.

Put inside the door and don’t forget to look down. Or better put on the door itself!

(Don’t you worry- you are not alone -happens with all of us many a times!)



And at last if you are the cheating kind and the kind who feels guilty too!

This wallpaper ‘Glance’ is for you.

Watching eyes to make you constantly nervous!

For more of this Stockholm based designer Mårten Lindquist’s simple, fun creations go here.

recycled beauties


Designer-Craftisans:@ Kunye African Trends

Do you think these products are beautiful!?

Then let me tell you these are made from ughs…waste plastic – recycled plastic!

kunyekube via adila.gif

kunye kube

And I think these are one of the most beautiful recycled plastic products I have ever seen!


computer bag

These are not just fun and funky products, these are functional too.

How else I would say the bed cover, plastic rugs for swimming pool, computer bag  and screens; some real recycled innovation!!



These handmade products are from Kunye – brilliant brainchild of Alison Coutras (and her local team of craftisans – a cooperative to combat unemployment) in South Africa.

Kunye is the Xhosa word for ‘forward together’.

Kunye has won a number of awards.

Continue reading recycled beauties

to have it or not to have it!


life candy

Designer: Florian Kräutli

Go milk a cow!

Touch an iceberg!

Win a lottery in a TV show!

I am not saying this!

So says these  ? chocolate wrappers!

Before you start eating you have to fulfill the task written on the wrapper! Unless and until the box can have them.

What you say?

No gain without pain!!

Having dilemma!

To have it or not to have it!

Presenting ‘life candy’ the box of chocolates by Florian Kraeutli

with these yummy-dummy conditions!

Find More of this young Dutch designer’s intelligent, funny, whimsical and creative side here.

design dic-tionary

design dictionary- defined humorously!

                                       or truthfully?


I-con A designer’s admission of guilt

Mass Appeal A case of sour grapes for most designers

Wire Frame Model A very skinny lady advertising a product

Exploded View A plaster model that fell down

Colour Scheme What remains in the paint glass after the previous guy has mixed his paints

Contrast The difference in payment between a new and an established designer

Balance Something all designers lose sometime or the other

Visual Impact Expression on the clients face when he sees the bill or the product

Similarity The strange commonality between your design and one that appeared in a design journal two weeks ago

See humorous design dictionary compiled by Punyashloke Mishra with a little help from his friends here.