Category Archives: I-miX

inspirational, intelligent, interesting miscellaneous varied topics to knock you out

A work Desk=Persona+Typo

work desk

Persona work desk

Designer: Liviu Avasiloiei

Is this desk perfect for you? Aren’t you going to love a desk with your signature, say initials on it. This work desk Persona is designed by Liviu Avasiloiei.

A typo work station which is fully customizable has all the typography lovers drooling on it. I love this work desk because it is simple, fun and creative!

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Sort Your Trash Can

sort your trash can01

If you are a design student,

if you want to win €5000,

if you can design a trash can

than head straight to co-creation platform Join and submit your ideas.

Sort Your Trash can” design competition deadline is 28th October 2012.

If you upload before October the 1st than you can draw to win an iPad 3.

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Andreu World Design Competition


design competition Just design a chair or a table or both in a unique and innovative way and win prizes of US$ 4000 or US$ 1500.

12° Andreu World International Design Contest September 2012 is open to all design students and professionals without age limit. There is no entry fee.

Submission deadline is for USA August 31, 2012 and for International professionals September 12, 2012.

check contest rules here.

Get inspirations from last year’s finalists here.

Rock Your Pet

bird cageRocking bird cage from Chimère collection

Designer: Bloom Room Studio

I am going to put no bird into it! This rocking cage is so über chic, almost sculptural.

I am going to put a green pet into it.

(A green pet? Yes my green pets are my newly acquired valuable plants!)

Or this cage will just rock in my living room as an timeless art piece!

Designers Marc Ange +Antonin Moire D’ Englise+Philippe Ricaud+Emmanual Hartman @ Bloom Room Studio have produced furniture for pets via their Chimère collection. The Chimère collection have been exhibited at recently concluded Milan Furniture Fair (17-22 April 2012).

See More from Bloom Room here.

As Nature Types


Pollinate by Anna Garforth

A spring inspired typeface

Anna Garforth explores life and time around us via nature. Her social commentary turns green, experimental and playful.

Via her unique art:

Her typography grows!

She talks in mossy numbers!

The new economics is defined!

Or dried & pressed flowers speak the language of beautiful spring typography!

Continue reading As Nature Types