Tag Archives: brass oil lamp. traditional south Indian Lamp

How this one for X-mas tree

I was about to put Apartment therapy (LA) in my credit links list with a thanks. But it seemed somehow incomplete!

(Gregory @ AT wrote :AT:India, here we come?)

Hey AT sure, a very warm welcome both ways! And what better traditional way to do so but with a rangoli…


And the X-mas is just around the corner.

So how about our kind of  X-mas tree this season! ?


This is traditional brass multi-tiered oil lamp from South India. Just imagine how it is going to look when it is lighted!


(And our jhula-swing as suspended furniture is an extremely interesting way to describe – new to my ears but a topic for a separate post altogether so will do a little later.)

brass lamp image via webindia123, terracotta lamp image via davidgreene