Tag Archives: landscape designs

Lace Garden!

Lace Garden by Anouk Vogel

(nickname: Bride’s Garden)

This eye candy garden is planted with white-flowering shrubs, bulbs and perennials which looks like lace with existing green. The literal twist is given with a lacy wire fence!

The Swiss designer Anouk Vogel is a landscape architect who dabbles in creating gardens, temporary installations, buildings, interiors and street furniture. Her competition entries, concepts and realized work come from some dreamland to create utter magic. There is always some poetry, birdie, lace and not to forget strength present in all her work.

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the garden of my childhood


The numerous nuances of pink distinguish this garden from any other.

The apple tree, roses, petunias fragrant peas, pink and grey colors fight for space and crave to be picked up.

The theme is ‘The garden of my childhood ‘and Russian landscape designer Sergey Malyuchenko portrays it so beautifully.

Garden in the childhood is bright and as man grows old his garden loses colors. 

                               kindergarten.jpg              kindergarten1.jpg       

Behind the fresh pink’s soft cries of pick me up there is a hidden meaning of grey as neglected garden but pink is the transitional colors on the way to renovation.        

(original text by Olga Vologdina, photos by Evgeny Luchin & Nikolay Fedyanin)

via salon ru

in search of roof garden

I wanted to do today the post about Mumbai’s (possibly) only (organic) rooftop garden. There is a certain BPT building I was in search of. But I lost my way and came back empty handed.


I was caught in traffic wheel.


I lost my way into an unplanned concrete jungle.


After inhaling fumes of pollution for hours, I am so tired I want to turn myself into this green snail and rest in my cocoon.


I am angry too so I threw some flowers randomly into this pond. And afterwords set by this next dark green pond.


It all started with a fairytale.


Into this fairytale garden.


Two of them with kids lived in this home under the greens.


In the backyards the children did their monkey jumping up and down this green rope.


He, the one with greenest thumb sits there and paints the garden. She creats it.


Remembering this she came back from her fury, nice and slow this long stem slide.


All she wanted to do is sit in this romantic courtyard.


The courtyard is surrounded with vertical green walls.

designflute boasting: among about 200 apartments complex her balcony is the greenest!

(Images via Srajan, House of pictures, Turenscape, Richard Schultz,  Petrick Blanc vertical garden, Tapestry landscape and GDU)