Tag Archives: nature

As Nature Types


Pollinate by Anna Garforth

A spring inspired typeface

Anna Garforth explores life and time around us via nature. Her social commentary turns green, experimental and playful.

Via her unique art:

Her typography grows!

She talks in mossy numbers!

The new economics is defined!

Or dried & pressed flowers speak the language of beautiful spring typography!

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Will You Wait 30 Years For A Coffee Table

30 year old coffee table

’30 years coffee table’

Designer: Ernesto Garcia

How much time you take to make a coffee table?

If your answer is  – a week or a month – it is wrong.

How old is your coffee table?

 And if you say something like – I bought it a year ago. Then again you are wrong.

Wait and think.

Think about time taken in a human process and time taken by a natural process!

Look at the tree rings used in this coffee table, count them and then answer.

You are right this coffee table is 30 years old! The tree was 30 years old!

The designer Ernesto Garcia raises these questions and wants to establish your lost connection to the nature via this ’30 years coffee table’.

Continue reading Will You Wait 30 Years For A Coffee Table

fall between the pages


                            raking aside leaves

                                 on the background pond

                                              I release the moon.

                                                      – A haiku by H. F. Noyes


Dry leaves between the pages started with my botany student sister years ago. This is one project which is ever going. I did it too and now my daughters have a few thick notebooks full of dry leaves and flowers.

This is what my elder daughter did for her school project – a wall hanging.

The creepers are of dried tomato plants. Orchids and bougainvillea flowers are kept as it is. The body of butterfly is made of rose leaves. The feathery wild growth (?) (on the right side) and wings of butterfly are coloured.

The wings of butterfly with their antennas are absolutely untouched-see the nature’s perfect cuts!

I can’t recognize these leaves (I mean the wings of butterfly ones). Anybody know? May be Robyn of garden rooms will be able to tell us.


                          This photo by Daxiang Stef – via Flickr.

if nature opens a design house

If nature starts manufacturing products what kind of goods she would line out.


She would see everything with green eyes?


When the sun runs away she would light up this lamp!


Provide you with this shopping cart.


It might be raining, it might be hot so; says she, take care!


All the spoilers should be scared away!


And she would not forget to nurture herself!

(images courtesy Go Green nursery pvt ltd’s booklet.)