Tag Archives: recycled plastic

this Earth Day …

(Designer: Groovy @ artgallery18)

An outdated telephone handset (exception: still very much in use in India) recycled into a lovely single-flower vase. The vase is water sealed and cut on an angle.

Material:  Recycled plastic telephone handset 

This Earth Day I want to share, communicate, say and salute quite a few things!

And when I start posting with a plastic vase I do not just mean recycling. I want to say something else!

Stay tuned and please keep coming back!!

(I am going to do many posts today!)

recycled beauties


Designer-Craftisans:@ Kunye African Trends

Do you think these products are beautiful!?

Then let me tell you these are made from ughs…waste plastic – recycled plastic!

kunyekube via adila.gif

kunye kube

And I think these are one of the most beautiful recycled plastic products I have ever seen!


computer bag

These are not just fun and funky products, these are functional too.

How else I would say the bed cover, plastic rugs for swimming pool, computer bag  and screens; some real recycled innovation!!



These handmade products are from Kunye – brilliant brainchild of Alison Coutras (and her local team of craftisans – a cooperative to combat unemployment) in South Africa.

Kunye is the Xhosa word for ‘forward together’.

Kunye has won a number of awards.

Continue reading recycled beauties