Tag Archives: Tincity

vibrant colours in steel


chanukah candleholder

chanukah candle holder

Designers:  @ Tin City

When medium is mild steel, the process is laser cutting and the colours are vibrant with a subtle African influence then the result show in these intricately detailed beautiful décor pieces by Tin City which was earlier Tin town.





floral light

Designers: @ Tin Town  (when Tin City was Tin Town)

Floral light : Eight elaborate panels slotting into a circular floral centerpiece.



bird cage mobile

A grown-up version of a mobile! Use it in your kitchen to hang utensils from or in your bedroom for your favourite necklaces.


bird branch hooks

A beautiful branch for inside the house with four strong hooks for coats, hats or whatever takes your fancy.


fire screen

( Yes I am back after a week + of absence from blogging. Hope fully!?! another gruelling busy schedule is now months away!)