Tag Archives: woman

Brave Women

mirror brave women

Artist: Jessica Stock

I need to salute thrice today!

First to the artist of this mirror art Jessica Stock whose creations you are looking at today.

Don’t your heart swell while looking at this mirror. (Second salute for this piece itself.)

No you aren’t broadcasting; just a sure strong reminder that should lie somewhere in the nook or corner of your house.

No, you don’t have to ask this question any more: mirror, mirror on the wall…..

I believe, each one of us have to have this mirror! (Third salute for all of us!)

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Sublime Colours of Women


Artist: Priya Anand pariyani

Today through this post I am celebrating three things – womanhood, Holi (festival of colours -just around the corner), art and lighted colours!

Ahmedabad based artist Priya Anand Pariyani’s art speak simple earthy emotions perhaps but with electrifying colours!

Her favourite subject is woman!

And today she is celebrating Women’s day at Ahmedabad’s Karnavati Art Gallery!

Her bold colours and hues speak vibrancy and dynamism of a woman.

A glimpse into many moods and state of womanhood via Priya’s artworks.

Check more of her electrifying work here and here.

Continue reading Sublime Colours of Women