twin hat-trick


Designer: Kedar Naik

Going to a party and you have nothing new to wear. Try this most inexpensive piece of jewellery and dazzle the crowd!

Paper jewellery – a very clever piece by Kedar Naik.


The neck piece gets lit when it is worn. Handmade paper stained with coffee. To accentuate the translucency and the texture of the paper small lights are inserted inside the cones.

Don’t go by the ‘just out of school’ innocent looks of this young Indian designer Kedar Naik; he has got quite a few very clever designs up his sleeves!

Here are few of his functional, clever and beautiful designs.




Twin is another of his cleverly designed leather bags. 2-in-1 looks!



This snacks plate may be inspired by a palette but it is absolutely practical – to hold, carry a glass and eat!



A poetic expression of a droplet of water falling in water captured in a product cup – again a very functional double walled glass cup with air gap for insulation.

Designs to be bowled over by ? ?


double hat trick

Cups & saucers to cheer the the Indian Cricket team.

cup: bone china, saucer: stainless steel



Actually I am in love with this ‘dark’ drinkware!



Of course in this design only!

4 thoughts on “twin hat-trick”

  1. hi,
    It’s just that I prefer designs – obvious and not so obvious – to be functional.

    Now that u mention it, I recall a not so obvious use of cloves. My aunt’s teacher at school used to wear them as earrings/studs. She had them dyed (i have no clue how) in various colours and matched them with her dresses ….

    Looking forward to your post on not-so-obvious uses of everyday products….

  2. hi Mukta,

    ‘Cricket’ apart I think it is the shape and design of the teacup which cheers me up!

    And why not wear paper jewellery. If I want to shock people/ pull the crowd I would do that!

    And Mukta, I believe these kind of designs are starting point, a use or unusal use to show a dimension I and you didn’t think of!
    Breaking down the obvious use of material – here paper!
    Also remember these are projects (even students’)from (very) young designers!

    thanks for the comment! I love to have discussions like this!
    Can you think of a different use of fennel? -just quizzing!
    Watch my space for I am going to do a post on how not to think obvious use of an everyday product!

  3. the indian cricketers have auction money (read ‘bags full of money’) to cheer them. They do not need any fancy teacups to cheer them… But the teacups may cheer up the ‘diehard’ cricket fans any where in the world….

    Seriously, do you really think that someone would actually attend a party wearing those paper lights. And how do you light them? …. I think they are better off decorating homes (seen somewhere in your posts).

    The “Dark” drinkware looks good.

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