Life Easy

Products: making Everyday Life easy

water bucketCompressed water bucket by Se Xin

I was wondering if I had all these products, my life would had been easy and lot of fun!  There are these little products, these little re-designs, these small but extremely useful inventions and in fact these great concepts which can make anyone’s everyday life comfortable. These concepts have won Red Dot Concept award 2009.

When I saw this compress-able water bucket I was very excited for two reasons: first it solves problem of urban dwellers like me who has to store water in summer many a times. Second I had thought of a design similar but with material like rubber and squarish.

I envision use of this fold-able water bucket a little differently than the designer Se-xin and I want it bigger too.

Compressed Water Bucket is a large water barrel that can be gently compressed for smarter storage. It can lead to more efficient transportation too. It can save human labour as well as resources. It is made with environmentally friendly materials.

treading needles

Little helper by Alexey Chugunnikov and Alexander Trofimenko

Such a small thing – threading needle; a little difficult for everyone but nobody paid any attention ever. But these two designers Alexey Chungunnikov and Alexander Trofimenko came up with this solution.

Little Helper combines a thread reel and a magnifying glass in one product. The reel takes the shape of a truncated cone, and the magnifying glass (or loupe) is framed in a ring at the top.

foladable iron foldable iron

Foldable iron by Jeong Jun Ho and Jo Nam Doc

Foldable Iron looks like a book. It is light weight, portable, a perfect travelling companion and it connects to any recharging cable for instance, the one used for mobile phone or MP3 player!

dustbin+pan dustbin+pan

Triangle+ by Do Seong Je and Wang Tsunho

So this dual use piece is a dustbin as well as a dust pan. By morphing the function of the dustpan with that of the dustbin, Triangle+ is born. Just tip it ninety degrees for role change!

tooth brushTooth Brush by Wang Yani, Tao Chen and Cheng Jialu

This one is very handy for likes of me. I have always my folks laughing at me with the methods I use for squeezing out the last bit of toothpaste!

Tooth Brush has a slit handle that can assist with extracting the remaining toothpaste from the tube. The slit can also be used to hook the Tooth Brush onto one’s rinsing glass.

shampoo bottle

Last Drop by Park Seonkeun and Park Jinsun

No need to repeat, certainly for me!

supersonic washing brush

Mr. B – supersonic washing beetle by Park Jinsoo

Let’s head for kitchen now. Mr B is for future!

Mr B (glad it is Mr!) is a washing beetle that will revolutionize the way we do dishes. Using supersonic technology we can clean dishes without producing waste water that contains harmful chemicals. Mr B can also save money by eliminating the need to buy detergent.

With a nanotechnology coating, Mr B is self-cleaning and anti-bacterial. The soft rubber brush is safe on all surfaces. With ergonomic shape, B has a wireless charging cradle, and LED eyes that indicate the battery life and status.

modern matchbox matchbox

Lucifer by Clement Eloy

Lucifer is a redesign of a traditional matchbox.

It is a refillable match dispenser and automatic match lighter. In order to take a match, the user must simply turn Lucifer upside down. A matchstick will fall through the opening, but will remain held there due to the bulk of its head. When the matchstick is pulled out, its head will rub against the orange striking surface, and the match will be automatically ignited.


Dangling umbrella by Song Wonji, Lee Yu Kyung and Kim Hakyung

This one is for people who need forget me not tags! No, I am not, other folks at home are!!

school bag school bag

Notebag by Lee Hyun Min

If your walls, doors and school benches are pieces of modern art and graffiti, thanks to your one then you need this Notebag!

smart dictionary

Any Ques by Han Soo Kyoung

A future product but Any-Ques, the smart dictionary is going to be very useful.

It is used like a magnifying glass. When placed over a word, it displays information on its transparent LCD screen!

unique shoe design

Touch by Ying Fangtian, Shi Lei, Sheng Cheng, Wang Guanyu, Hou wenpei, Cheng Yao and Han Tianshu @ IID Lab, Zhejiang University

Do these unique parent and child shoes arouse some very fond memories of childhood!

tea bags

Flower tea bags (IPEa) by Kim Hyezin

Hey all you chai (tea) lovers, this flower-y beauty is for you.

IPEa consists of three simple elements: buoyant material containing scented tea, edible petals that open in the water, and a transparent “stamen” that rises from the flower and makes it easy to remove the tea bag from the water. The typical teabag tab is thus transformed into a beautiful flower that floats on the water while the tea brews.

It says relax, slow down and enjoy!

cipher glass

Cipher by Damjan Stankovic

A very clever idea indeed!

Seemingly random colorful mosaic pattern tells everyone what drink you are having!

So random squares are not accidental. The true purpose of the glass mosaic is revealed when coloured liquid is poured into it – orange juice, milk, coffee, or cola.

The pattern of shapes and empty spaces on the glass, combined with the colour of the liquid inside the glass, form a word that reveals exactly which drink you are having.

Each side of the glass is reserved for a specific drink.

Probably and hopefully some of these Red Dot Concept winning designs might already be in production.

For my everyday easy life! Amen!

(All images and info courtesy Red Dot and a special thanks to Mandy Wu @

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