Geometry Of Triangles

TRI bench from the Pickled seriesTRI bench

(from the Pickled series, painted plywood)

Designer: Rafaels de Cárdenas @ Architecture at large

Starkly triangular and utterly delightful furniture line by Rafaels de Cárdenas is on display at present at Johnson trading gallery. This visual delight is not to be missed!

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How To Recycle Anything

gas stove clock

stove top clock (materials: old stove parts, clock mechanism)

Designer: Gurit Magen @ Juck+ion

We dump them as junk, the designer give them a second chance. A unique piece is created with a pinch of humour and we start thinking about this everyday object. Designer Gurit Magen @ junk+ion gives us a complete lesson in how to recycle anything and everything!

Wave Piano Bench

wave piano bench by Darshan Alatar

Wave piano bench

Designer: Darshan Alatar

A customizable bench made with bent plywood which works on the principles of a piano (wire tension) to adjust height and angle according to user’s preference. A very sleek and functional design by Darshan Alatar, an industrial design student at New Jersey Institute of Technology.

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Modern Day Bells

sound objects

Lin Yu (Yuu Rin)

Designer: Rie Isono

I don’t know what should I call these – modern day sound objects, bells or soundscapes. Japanese designer Rie Isono has clearly succeeded in encompassing traditional casting techniques and modern technologies & aesthetics to produce this murmur of a sound like hand made products.

Put it in the living room, on the door, in window or on your desk, I suppose it can be your relaxation-play buddy. Lin Yu series is available in 3 variations.

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