(In Brahmi script I have tried to write read me)
read me ?

Harappan script (ca. 2600-1900 BC)

Magical Stela, 360-343 B.C.E, Egypt
I can’t read these!
Can you?
But I think I read these scripts.
I read: —
That our ancestors wrote too beautifully! Do you agree?
That curious caterpillar in me gets so aroused I go green.
(Please donot correct my words I want to describe this way only.)
That mystery of not knowing what is written arouses what I call lovely fear in me.
That my fascination drives me to use these scripts/images in various DIY ways:–
? All the time I use these kinds of images as my desktop background.

my desktop
?Years ago I had copied these scripts in clay and put on wall as a decor piece.

in this shape now
?I want to do walls of narrow passageway in my new home with these scripts translated in clay including the lippankam method of Kutch, Gujarat.
(Lippankam is a dying art & craft I just love so much. Simple motifs are made with clay and small mirrors on the walls. Will do a post on lippankam later though I am terribly short of images.)

Stela, Egypt
Indus script (ca. 3000-1200 BC)
Brahmi script- ca. 3rd century BC
(click to enlarge)