Category Archives: barren walls

a little courage!


caught the sun

Photographer (novice): Design Flute

Gathered a little courage today and clicked with some novice phone camera!!!



Making faces is striktly prohibited here!



Grimacing tresspassers would be punished and would have to write 10 comments in praise each!

( Hey I saw YOU grimacing!! Now sitdown and write 10 times I love …. 🙂 )

fill the palace with colours


This is a palace from ancient Greece. Hey all you creative ones – fill this with colours on the ceiling, on the floor, on the walls – wherever you want! Be the interior-colour designer of this palace for a day!

Tomorrow I will post the colourful image and all the info.

(Actually I had other plans today, But my server is not working. I am trying to post through this awfully slow dial-up connection. Hope I get through!)

image via maat.sofiatopia

How this one for X-mas tree

I was about to put Apartment therapy (LA) in my credit links list with a thanks. But it seemed somehow incomplete!

(Gregory @ AT wrote :AT:India, here we come?)

Hey AT sure, a very warm welcome both ways! And what better traditional way to do so but with a rangoli…


And the X-mas is just around the corner.

So how about our kind of  X-mas tree this season! ?


This is traditional brass multi-tiered oil lamp from South India. Just imagine how it is going to look when it is lighted!


(And our jhula-swing as suspended furniture is an extremely interesting way to describe – new to my ears but a topic for a separate post altogether so will do a little later.)

brass lamp image via webindia123, terracotta lamp image via davidgreene

miniature benches on wall


This set of miniature benches image is with me before I started blogging. I just love these cute benches. This is a small little DIY project for me. I was going to put these type of bench-shelves in children’s room. But I have got greedy and planning to put these little cuties in my kithen. My small jars and bottles of spices can sit very comfortably on them!

Anybody who knows the source of these set of miniature benches PLEASE let me know.

EDIT: The enthusiasm of Jennifer Notar (reader) has  made me intensely search for the source of this set of five miniature benches and hurrah! here is the source Ballard Designs!