
Any idea what a blessed feeling it is to feel “I am an idea’s person!

Any idea how confused an idea’s person can get while implementing one idea! (Cause it always gets transformed into another better idea!)

Any idea how many ideas are circulating in the universe at the moment!

Any idea – BIG=small, good=BAD, functional=dreamy, workable=great, crazy=CRAZY; how many ideas I want to throw your way!

Be a sport, be inspired, be a critique, be nice,

love, laugh, laud(app),

become a fan, an admirer

or just plain ignore!

I am going to be here!

Feel free to ask me!

Update (01.07.2010): Idea C (being hatched)

12 thoughts on “Ideas”

  1. Sir ,
    i am from engg background but i have an interest towards design(lifestyle), altough i dont have any formal degree in design .i would love to work with someone(if possible with you or anyone else who himself is good enough n ) under whom i can learn while working along him .

  2. sir,
    i am too much inspired by your work……at present i m a student of architecture and i wanted to know that do you allow students for internship at your firm……??????

  3. Namaste!
    I so love this site! I stumbled upon it this am whilst looking for inspiraation for my next painting. Are you on Facebook?
    Kind regards,

  4. hello sir, i have seen a few of your designs and other complementary stuff you have posted. i became so inspired by this site that i based a few of my design projects on some similar topics. I am actually a student at Nift doing product des. and was wondering if there are any openings for internship with you.

  5. Hello Sir,
    My name is Tinna, and i have been through few of your works and also your wife’s..I’m highly inspired by both your work.I also had an opportunity to be to the Kyoorius art workshop in Goa at the Hyatt and watch you both. Im presently a student at Raffles International,Mumbai, doing my graphic designing.
    I’m presently working on a project that specifies working on the most inspiring designers in india ,And i chose to do a small brief on you and your Mrs .Khosla.
    Wel sir so if there is any new project or any specific details that you could provide me with id be highly honored and obliged.
    ………………………………………….Tinna Rajput

  6. Sir,
    We are constructing a house, in which we are planning to have a wooden or fabricated staircase. We want to know in india we have lot of dust, so if we have polished wood staircase – will it require lot of maintenance ? Which type of staircase do you suggest for home ? If you can suggest us some good designers/ manufacturers for the staircase.

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