outdoor nook


This outdoor corner from marie claire maison is perfect. But this nook is for my husband. In the rains he wants to sit in the balcony or outside to enjoy drizzle falling from shade making angles.


The 1st image is a glass object from marie claire maison. I see it as a gorgeous pillow.

2nd image is floating flowers via Rang Decor (Arch has many more wonderful ideas). A water feature I needed  to relate with rains.

3rd image of books is a must as he cannot be separatd from his books.


And this nook for my hubby is now complete with hanging basket full of books, gorgeous pillow and floating river of flowers!

Who wants to spend endless time here? who, show me your hands.

designflute excuse: pardon my great photoshop skills!

in search of roof garden

I wanted to do today the post about Mumbai’s (possibly) only (organic) rooftop garden. There is a certain BPT building I was in search of. But I lost my way and came back empty handed.


I was caught in traffic wheel.


I lost my way into an unplanned concrete jungle.


After inhaling fumes of pollution for hours, I am so tired I want to turn myself into this green snail and rest in my cocoon.


I am angry too so I threw some flowers randomly into this pond. And afterwords set by this next dark green pond.


It all started with a fairytale.


Into this fairytale garden.


Two of them with kids lived in this home under the greens.


In the backyards the children did their monkey jumping up and down this green rope.


He, the one with greenest thumb sits there and paints the garden. She creats it.


Remembering this she came back from her fury, nice and slow this long stem slide.


All she wanted to do is sit in this romantic courtyard.


The courtyard is surrounded with vertical green walls.

designflute boasting: among about 200 apartments complex her balcony is the greenest!

(Images via Srajan, House of pictures, Turenscape, Richard Schultz,  Petrick Blanc vertical garden, Tapestry landscape and GDU)

Eva Zeisel-playful works

It seems that all these pieces are about to speak to me. I sat there mesmerized after downloading a lot of images of her work. Designer, ceramist grande old dame Eva Zeisel’s work needs no introduction or great words. They just speak for themselves.evazeisel1.gif

100 year old Eva Zeisel’s more than 75 years of extraordinary work is so alive that it just pushes us to sit up and think about our own life.


Her views on life “Everything is unexpectedly colorful. Life is a present. That is why one shouldn’t have scandals, one shouldn’t have ill humor, one shouldn’t be cranky–that is the moment that is life. One should respect it.


“All my work is mother-and-child.”- Eva Zeisel.



Her functional objects bend, stretch, reach. They recall birds, leaves, pregnant bodies, belly buttons and fruit with a pared-down elegance.



Everything I do is a direct creation of my hands, whether it is made in wood,  plaster or clay.”Eva Zeisel



Her exuberant designs (above-belly button room dividers) show her playfulness.



Just a little curve that is perfect and never a wrong curve, that is what her designs is all about.


She is called an industrial (machine age modern) designer and her creations show ‘friendliness’, ‘family relations’.

I keep wondering about her spirits and  I keep saluting this unstoppable lady’s works!

A few sites to see her work- (1) , (2) , (3) ,(4)

Images courtesy (& via) Evazeiselorangechicken,  SignonSanDiego, Nambe, Mindspring

roads less travelled

When architecture travels into a piece of furniture, when road maps to unknown places are drawn on rugs and when decor piece becomes a cityscape; boundaries merge so beautifully that each piece takes up the identity of art!

And to top it all every piece here shown has eco connections.


This visually mobile piece is a bench ‘Reverb’ by Acronym Designs. Made from oak planks recovered from the waste of a company that manufactures tractor trailer beds.




These 3 rugs named New York, Orlando and Verona (named by me-road maps to unknown places) are from Viesso. This company makes all its product as green as possible.


Argonouts is artist Jefferey Alan’s creation in natural wood from Palette contemporary art and craft which I have named cityscape.

Indian file

Tsetse has bitten me. Hope it bites you too. Don’t screw your eyebrows, I mean it. Only that this tse-tse bites you not the above one.

If tse- tse would bite anything can happen, your fortune clock would have lone hand. The shy clock might visit your home soon. You may discover milky ducks along your lobby line or you would start talking of ransome and success.


                                                 Indian file

                                  30 little organdi bags lighted.


                                                windfall vase

                           vase hangs with the help of a steel cable.

French designer duo Catherine Levy and Sigolene Prebois run riot of ideas. They made me (purchase) gangster housewife (shopping bag) and naturally I had a loot.


       fortune clock        gangster housewife      ventriloquist

                                        shopping bag                alarm clock


    mirza teapot               nightigloo                   wintercoat

Now I am tired and flop myself on lop-sided chair.

 so Moral of the story is, their site is a delighful play ground.  Go and seek ‘diaporama’ and ‘catalogue’; you would find ‘treasure’. The funny , the brilliant, the duo and the products have many tales to tell.

A friendly designflute advice : don’t go to this site in hurry. take at least oo minutes and then go.