One is going to get goosebumps if one see things materialized which one had talked so passionately about.

Parans, still seems like impossible but is what I dreamt of.
Four months ago we were moving to a place where electricity charges are steep. So we were thinking of alternative methods. One day I told my husband why can’t we store sun’s light, why can’t we store winter’s cold. The look on his face told me to stop farrying around my futuristic fairy tales.
I started to look for a solar air condition on the net and I stumbled upon parans lighting site. I was so tempted I even wanted to make dealership enquiries.
Parans lighting system can’t store light though. This lighting uses sunlight , optical fibres and prisms. This technology is developed in Sweden by engineers at the Chalmers University in Gothenburg.
See here how this unbelievable light work.
This technology provides natural light in energy efficient way. When parans’ people are coming to India?
And when natural cold can be stored too so that I get my natural air condition. Say what I am crazy. No, those days are not too far!