Tag Archives: children

Hide and Seek



A small playground at Deepalaya School, Guspethi, Haryana (India)

Architects: @ Romi Khosla Design Studio

Here basic architectural elements are turned upside down!

There is a playground in a house – a house in a play ground.

Let’s play hide and seek!

Doors and windows here take you to open space and walls are see-through and move too!

And if you need you can create your own private space as all the panels can pivot.

Romi Khosla a veteran Indian architect is an urban planner and author too.

Romi Khosla Design Studio is a Delhi based lead consultancy.


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simplest mor

Simplest peacock-mor (in Hindi mor means peacock)


It is a remote part of India, a small village where this little girl lives. She wakes up early and helps her mother in daily chores. By the time she reaches school she is physically tired quite a bit. But her eyes always glisten as she wants to explore every little-big thing on this earth and beyond.

Teacher’s pet she is invited to take over the class for a while. Her heart never refusing to stop jumping yet with outward calm she draws this mor (peacock), thinks teacher is going to give her very good today. She slowly begins to tell a story…

There was a kingdom with a huge garden. A pretty rajkumari (princess) lived there with her mor (peacock) friends.  She was very good in studies and wanted to conquer the world with her knowledge. She wanted  to study more and more and more than her parents or people of her side of the world would like to allow………

designflute thinks this drawing is mother of all peacock drawings.

(image courtesy ‘guess what I am doing!’ book published by National Book trust, India)