Tag Archives: metal

metal maya

Gas Flame Archway

Designer+Artist: Ann Catrin Evans

Ann Catrin Evans is a 3D designer maker specialising in doorknockers and door furniture. She also makes lighting, jewellery, utensils, furniture, trophies and large-scale projects for public artworks.

She works with metal.

I love the architectural elements in her work!

love tokens

Not saying I don’t love these love-ly tokens!

Gafrod – sculpture

Continue reading metal maya

art ties

Jeff de Boer is a Calgary-based multi-media artist known for his original and quirky works in metal. He creates pieces like suits of armour for cats & mice, rocket lamps as well as exquisitely crafted pieces like these ones ?


                                          corporate ties

                       made  with aluminum, brass & leather


                                      corporate ties

   made of aluminum, brass, bronze, leather & mixed media