Tag Archives: modern public seating



Designer Vishal Thakur         i SEAT

public seating cum info display system

When I discover talented young Indian designers I feel excited like a child. When I saw this Indore based designer Vishal Thakur’s work I instantly fell for it. For his designs are ‘form follows function’ based and that is something you know I always go for.

I believe that functional and simple designs are much more difficult to make.

Today I want to talk about just one of his designs i- SEAT (prototype).

i-SEAT is a very smart public seating system cum advertising and info display. It is a solution for utilizing spaces for seating without obstructing movement. In designer’s words seating system at public places like transportation hubs and malls often fail to meet the seating space demand at peak times. Large seating spaces require large areas and restrict movement. So the smart i-SEAT.


How it works…

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