Tag Archives: table base

Deep Stambh Table

table designDesigners: Sanjeev panjabi and Sangeeta Merchant @ Spasm Design

The design studio, Spasm Design architects operates from India and East Africa with a non-compromising attitude which says “do not theorize, do not promote a method or solution and do not think the process is any way similar in every project.”

Love this table with South India traditional brass lamps legs!

More to come of this firm’s work on DesignFlute!

* Deep Stambh means tower of light/lamp tower/lit pillar. Deep is a lamp and stambh is pillar in Sanskrit and Hindi.

Deep stambhs have architecture and history of its own. Generally erected or made near a temple with many levels for lamps.

(Still pc-less I am. So working @1/10 capacity by hijacking hubby’s laptop now and then!)