in a nutshell

hut carved of a raw coconut

Designers: @ Vibrant Nature

Vibrant Nature manufactures all types of handcrafted products made of natural fibers like Banana Fiber, Sisal Fiber, Screwpine, Palm, Talipot, Kora Grass, Coco Fibers, coconut shell and raw coconut etc.

Their creative input brings forth some very innovative products:

These pieces are made by carving a single raw coconut – ?


Vibrant Nature works in close association with hundreds of established artisans, cooperative societies, Women Groups with traditional talents and experience in their respective fields and village community.

These products are made of coconut shell – ?



pickle jar

small box (kumkum daan)



See more of their products made of natural materials @ flickr here.

3 thoughts on “in a nutshell”

  1. Hi, these look great!

    I am interested in trying to make a coconut hide for one of my pet snakes. I see these are done from raw coconuts, how long do they take to harden or is there something you can do to speed up the process?

    At first I was just thinking of cutting one in half and making a hole as a door, but after seeing these I am going to try and do something fancy.

  2. Hi Roma, This took me down memory lane. My parents had brought back beautiful ladles and a serving fork from their trip to the south in late sixties. A few years ago I got the serving fork here in my home which, accidentally got broken a few months ago. To make a long story short: I have been meaning to get another one like that and today through your post got the address of Vibrant nature. Now emailing a friend who is in Madras this year. Many thanks.

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