Category Archives: design screw

Let’s Play!

LEELA chairs for children by designer  Rahul Shirbhate

I can’t help not posting these amazingly cool chairs by design student Rahul Shirbhate. Good designs for kids are not easy to find so when I saw this LEELA chair for children I just jumped.

Can a chair be more safe (moulded so), more playful (turn-able), more inviting (front legs look like dog’s legs!) and more colourful!!!

Continue reading Let’s Play!

Plants’ Stunning Soulmates

by James Toggweiler

Throw away all your boring looking pots for plants and get these stunning soulmates for your plants ‘Rotoform Vessels’!

This is not a pot, this is not a vase, this is a vessel created for a specific plant!

Infact this is a project done every year by industrial design students of Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, US).

Inspired by a specific plant, students create three-dimensional, rotationally formed vessel which has volume and flat plane too.

Continue reading Plants’ Stunning Soulmates

Moment, hang on!

Ribbons, yes but I am not going to talk about gifts and soft velvety touch you start feeling as soon as I say ribbons.

These Ribbons are made of sturdy stuff, in fact made of steel!

And the design is for everyday object – your plain old boring hangers.

But these coolest hangers are made by Thailand based STIL.

Ribbons by STIL

Ribbons+steel+hangers=deadly cool and creative outcome!

{What you say about my maths!}

These hangers are very functional too as the flexibility in design provides various styles of usage depending on the imagination of the users.

Check STIL’s other products here.

{What else you can make from ribbons, I am thinking!}