Category Archives: knock, open the window

random rubble


Architects: @ The Centre for Vernacular Architecture


My husband dreams of a mud and brick geometrical home in a far-away village by the pond. I think I am in his dreamland.



These brick , mud, random rubble and laterite stone oppulant spaces are created by The Centre for Vernacular Architecture. The centre is a non-profit organisation and a co-operative of building crafts persons.



The centre creates spaces that are cost effective, ecologically sensible and culturally relevant.



Go on to amazing journey of each space which offers surprises like water-body co-existence, wall mural, spaces created in brick walls for light, blue oxide bathroom, water tap and attangudi cement tiles.

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lights ahoy!



Take some marbles, take a mesh , take a stainer, take some beads and an energy saver light bulb; lo and behold, you are in for a  poetic surprise.



Everyday objects are used with simple concept but amazing results. Georgios Ignatiou ‘s objects with light inspire me. Donot forget to see his site for those little lovely verses.



Big momma is watching!

Are we really free? Why are we being watched over by cctvs? Are not we capable of watching our own steps? What is the cost of absolute freedom? What is being criminal? These are few of hundreds of questions I started asking when I saw experimental fashion designer Hussein Chalayan’s e t-shirts in his online shop.


                              The Blind

I never thought I would feature a fashion designer in my blog. But his concept and questioning made me rethink.

When a design offers a solution it becomes beautiful and when a design poses a question it becomes compellingly beautiful.

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                             In Shadows

These e t-shirts are awakening comments on our life and times.

celebrating restoration

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Just 7 days ago my university, University of Mumbai completed celebrating 150th year. To me it was not commerce or science learning there, it was and is getting lost in grand architecture, beautiful archways and mesmerising stained glass work. The pristine glory was falling apart but 150th year forced authorities to sit up and do the restoration work.

The 132 year old Convocation Hall was restored last year and Rajabai Tower which houses University library was restored a few years ago.

Yes I am celebrating restoration work!