Category Archives: out of this world

spaceship resort 2012


I am doing this post (1)to satiate the teenager/child inside me who wide eyed used to dream of space colonies after reading any  articles about space in magazines.
(Though this news is 4 days old, I still have to do this post)
(2)And also for a special post I am going to do a little later.
Once again we have been promised space transportation, and inhabitats. Report in brief:—

The orbital resort: Galactic suite
The place: space
The architecture: tube like
The interiors: 4 meters high X 7 meters wide capsule rooms      with Velcro walls and huge windows
The view: 15 sunsets in a day
                   And the sphere of blue earth.
3 nights stay cost: $ 4.15 millions
Feeling: comfy-no, have to stick on walls like a spider
Thrilling- yes, to the bones
Transcendental-no/ yes, only if I stop feeling excitedly scary.
Recommended for: all of us who have weight issues,
                                      As in galactic suite we would be feeling       absolute weightlessness.
Reservations: already on
Resort foundation laid: no
Project: being designed
                Constructions plan requirements underway
Architects and space engineers, if you want to, you can join them.



This is what Xavier Claramunt, the architect, designer from Spain has envisioned.

Earlier (a few years ago) Robert Bigelow has also announced similar plans of space hotel which was to realize in 2008. I checked their website. They are making advances but yet not talking anything concrete about the date of launch.

For now, a space theme hotel on the earth would suffice.


          Space park hotel, Bremen, Germany


20 thousand leagues under the sea



The Unstill Life





The lost correspondent



Is it a visual seascape?



Art touching environmental boundaries?

Or drawing attention to ecological processes?

It is a world’s first underwater sculpture park, created by Jason de Caires Taylor.

This sculpture park is located on the beautiful island of Grenada in the Caribbean.

Here, sculptures become artificial reefs which attract marine life as well as human visitors. The sculptures are sited in clear shallow waters to afford easy access.

It is unique, a kaleidoscope of art interacting with environment and vice-versa, shifting of sands every moment and the viewing undercurrents tell me

it is certainly out of this world!

In artist’s views it is hope and recovery and underlines our need to understand and protect the natural world.


live inside a quarry


A stunning concept of a resort hotel inside a water-filled quarry in China’s Songjiang district near Shanghai. Additional photos and information you can find here. 

Actually I have spent a good amount of time (12 years) in a Colliery. I have been inside a coal mine and to a quarry too. In India there have been many tragic accidents in mines.

So this concept to me is awe inspiringly beautiful.

Continue reading live inside a quarry