Category Archives: barren walls

choose & vote

Will you vote for this design ?


(designer: Matthew Dollinger)

Or this ?

(designer: Kazumi Tanimura & Miyuki Habiro)

It is very difficult to choose from 10 equally beautiful designs already announced by the Bombay Sapphire as part of its 2008 Designer Glass Competition as top 10 US finalists.

It is time now for the People’s Prize Award.

Bombay Sapphire now invites YOU to vote online for this prize and choose your favourite glass.

Go here to view all the 10 finalists’ designs and vote.

Voting is on from April 28 to May 26, 2008.

The  US People’s prize winner will be announced on their Web site on June 5, 2008.

show, mix-d and don't miss

mixd is a new online-shop and a platform for designers. It will introduce every two months a new designer and a new collection.

Designer: Kaat Pype @ mixd

Show your designs, become a mixd designer if you are young and creative. Mail them here.

And don’t miss collection of interior accessories, design objects, wall art, photography, graphic design, jewellery design, et all @ mixd.

keep your house clean boxes

Young Belgian designer Kaat Pype is the first designer to show her witty and interesting collection @ mixd. I am tempted to name her collection ‘out of box – in the box’!

Continue reading show, mix-d and don't miss

golden hinges

Designers: Anna Corpron and Sean Auyeung @ Sub-Studio

I have fallen in love with these gorgeous golden hinges! ? !

In fact with these products I would suggest you can mend your relationships! I am saying – a lot hinges on how and what you say with these products.

Give or send it to someone.

Am I making sense? Are not these hinges?


Make a guess!

Material – these are made of …

I can’t tell you that. Well I gave you a lot of hints…  click continue reading when you have guessed.

Continue reading golden hinges

the Grass that binds – Vetiver

I call Vetiver grass the eco steel! 

The roots of Vetiver grass have strength of 1/6 of mild steel.


Something as simple as grass and what could be the count of applications and environmental solutions it offers – somewhere around 10,000!! (see some here)

No, I am not joking or exaggerating!

I came to know about this wonderful grass when I did this post.

And there is some great news ?

The first ever National Workshop on the Vetiver System for Environmental Protection and Natural Disaster Management’ is going to be held from 21st to 23rd February 2008 at Cochin, Kerala, India. Overseas participants are welcome.

This workshop provides the means for low cost and immediate action using a proven and tested technology. It is of great importance for people who are looking to remedy many land and water resource problems relating to climate change, resource degradation and pollution.

Please check all the details about workshop here.


urban landscaping with vetiver (floating) in China

It is organized by The Vetiver Network International and India Vetiver Network.


handicrafts from vetiver made in Venezuela

Images via Vetiver Network International.

a table for peace

If you are thinking of a rainbow,

not up above in the sky

but right here in your home;

think of Roel-Jan Elsinga and this rainbow table design by him!


Designer: roel-jan elsinga                                              rainbow table

                                                                        (laquered wood and metal)

                                                          (it is also called worldleader table)

If you are thinking of peace,

world leaders,

military interventions;

think of this rainbow table designed by roel!

If you think this table is symbolic

and iconic. Go ahead!

I think this one is a beautiful dream-y-one!

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