pen holder

oslo – penholder

Designer: Harri Koskinen For Danese Milano

Most of the times simple things are most functional and beautiful.. A simple creation and lot of  thinking (sustainable too) is the beauty of this memo and pencil holder.

Designer Harri Koskinen has taken only two birchwood rings and a sheet to create this.

I would take lots of pencils & things to decorate this!

traditional Kerala architecture

Architects: Stapati Achitects

Stapati Architects are noted for use of traditional elements in modern context very successfully.

Just a  glimpse of their work :-

This traditional house by the lake entice me so much that I am ready to leave my metro city any time!

the wooden columns and railings in the verandah

Most prominent feature in Kerala’s architecture is its gabled roofs and all wood constructions.

wood & more wood interior (Kumarakom resort)

The skillful choice of timber, accurate joinery, artful assembly and delicate carving of wood work for columns, walls and roofs frames are the unique characteristics of traditional Kerala architecture.

The gorgeous wooden staircase which has decorated pages of practically all the interiors magazines in India!

I already  started feeling cool breeze all over my spirit!

Kumarakom Lake resort

eco-friendly Vyathiri resort


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k-note it

 sculpture – notice board (material soft foam)

Designer: Mikael Nilsson @ Innersmile

Just note that a simple everyday thing like notice board can be simply so arty!

Sculpt it- knot it to take a notice board to a totally new level. You can buy several pieces in different colours or in three parts and tie them together to make your own creation! Material used is soft foam.

Designer Mikael Nilsson has made few very innovative products with soft foam; even shelves! (See here)

kringle-kari – notice board (material -soft foam)

Kringel-Kari is another innovative notice board. An enjoyable way to remember a variety of things on a hectic day. Well I certainly would like to pull it like plaits every time I put a note on it!

gravity, slender curve and constant tension

Jamming, Hanging, Standing


 cabinets – book shelf (animated gif)

Designer – artist: Wolf Brinkman

Gravity as a binding element fascinates designer-artist Wolf Brinkman. And so he uses columns and gravity for these book-shelves. The Jamming, Hanging, Standing cabinets radiates constant tension and it seems that movement is frozen.

The horizontal arch has a span of about 6 meters (18′) and was built for the gallery ECCE in Rotterdam. The hanging structure is almost 4 meters (12′) long and was built for a law office in Utrecht. The standing Arch is a scale model with a diameter of 1.8 meters. (6′)


book shelf – Book Arch (animated gif)

The shelf together with the ‘Book Arch’ decorates the Central Library Rotterdam.

These shelves make optimal use of the building and one only needs to take away one element and the whole structure collapses.

Need I say out loud :– these architectural shelves fascinate me!  

in a nutshell

hut carved of a raw coconut

Designers: @ Vibrant Nature

Vibrant Nature manufactures all types of handcrafted products made of natural fibers like Banana Fiber, Sisal Fiber, Screwpine, Palm, Talipot, Kora Grass, Coco Fibers, coconut shell and raw coconut etc.

Their creative input brings forth some very innovative products:

These pieces are made by carving a single raw coconut – ?


Vibrant Nature works in close association with hundreds of established artisans, cooperative societies, Women Groups with traditional talents and experience in their respective fields and village community.

These products are made of coconut shell – ?



pickle jar

small box (kumkum daan)



See more of their products made of natural materials @ flickr here.