Tag Archives: furniture

Geometry Of Triangles

TRI bench from the Pickled seriesTRI bench

(from the Pickled series, painted plywood)

Designer: Rafaels de Cárdenas @ Architecture at large

Starkly triangular and utterly delightful furniture line by Rafaels de Cárdenas is on display at present at Johnson trading gallery. This visual delight is not to be missed!

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Wave Piano Bench

wave piano bench by Darshan Alatar

Wave piano bench

Designer: Darshan Alatar

A customizable bench made with bent plywood which works on the principles of a piano (wire tension) to adjust height and angle according to user’s preference. A very sleek and functional design by Darshan Alatar, an industrial design student at New Jersey Institute of Technology.

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Nzela Table By Kayiwa

Nzela table by KayiwaNzela table

Designer: Lincoln Kayiwa

Nzela is a sturdy modular table set made of birch plywood. It takes only 3 minutes to set up this no-tool setup table. You may seamlessly conjoin – in whichever direction – as many tables. This knockdown piece can be easily dismantled too. Use it for dining, as conference table, for a ping-pong match or just as a statement piece.

The designer Lincoln  Kayiwa is not new to DesignFlute but check all about him here.

Nzela table is inspired by the De Stijl movement and is homage to designer’s grandmother.

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Dance With Designs

40 designs inspired by dance:

bharatnatyam dancer

Bharatnatyam dancer (wooden chair)

Designer:  Sabiha Mujtaba @ Chrysalis

Today is international dance day and I just thought how this art form has inspired our designers and artists. Let us celebrate dance through dance inspired designs.

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Form And The Function

The Form:

digital fabrication

Panelized surface

Designer: Adam NakaGoshi

And The Function:

table by adam nakagoshi and eric burns

Glass top table

Designer: Adam Nakagoshi and Eric Burns

They are or were students of University of South Florida, School of Architecture + Community Design. I wish I knew a little more about the designers…

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