design Ganesha

In modern times, in changing India, I think He defines among other things Design. People portray Him in as many avatars as you could imagine. You can take any form, any material, you can also experiment. Devotee community is not going to pour wrath on you. Even lord Ganesha does not mind having as many avataras. He is the most loved one.

The lord Ganesha has become the true epitome of omnipresent God. He has many names. People start any kind of new work with His auspicious name. His 10 day worship-celebration starts today.

For me it is design celebration too. I will be posting one image everyday in my sidebar. I just love him (no, not religiously). I love the elements he stands for.

It is very difficult to take out a few from thousands of images but as promised here are few I love most….


Durga with Ganesha

This is a Jamini Roy (1887-1972) painting. I am having this in form of a newspaper cutting since I was a teenager. It is yellowed and edges torn, still I refuse to throw it.


Ganesha with banana leaves

Read here his story in detail with illustrations.


We, Indians try to search him everywhere. He is here in a flower. (via flickr-by Rakesh Soni)


Legend behind legend tells us that Ganesha was the best writer, the one who did not make any mistake, the one who could write non-stop. This was the reason Vedvyasa chose him as the writer and he himself narrated the epic Mahabharata.

Read here legends of Ganesha.



Dancing Ganesha


So interiory-fabriki Ganesha I had seen this year only.


Ganesha with flute

How will you draw him, how will you craft him?

Edit: I had put 10 images everyday during Ganesha Chaturthi in my sidebar. Here are those images.

18 thoughts on “design Ganesha”

  1. Hi,
    I used your picture of Dancing Ganesha in a story I am writing about Gautama Maharshi. I have given you credit,

    I felt you would not mind, but if you do, let me know and I ill replace it.


  2. I really loved the picture of the dancing ganesh… I loved it so much I have a tatto on my whole back with of that pic

  3. thank you so much for the information. I have learnt so much in such a short time. Ganesha has been an obsession for me for many years – i have various statues dotted around my apartment and have wanted for many years to present this on my self as a tattoo but could not find an illustration that spoke to me well enough. I have found three now. thank you. You have completed my circle.

  4. If u are an artist and an Indian theres no way u can remain immune to this one god 🙂 Im not particularly religious- but Ganesha just occupies a very place for me. It might have something to do with the fact that he is the patron god of the arts 🙂

  5. I adore him. I saw a woman who had her entire upper arm tattooed with Ganesha. It looked a lot like your picture of the dancing Ganesha. I think the image is wonderful, magical, beautiful.

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