


A side board in bleached maple with ceramic daisies and ceramic feet.

Ceramists + Designers: Bertozzi  & Casoni @ Dilmos

Master craftsmen and Italian ceramists Giampaolo Bertozzi and Stefano Dal Monte Casoni’s work show tradition and experimentation, link to the past and present along an axis.

And perhaps link between continents as well!

I just plain am biased towards this side board because it is named ‘Govinda’ and it is so beautiful. Govinda is another name of the Hindu god Krishna. Govinda also means – ‘giving the nectar of satisfaction to the senses’. (whatever that means 🙂 )


Quell mazzolin di fiori

Ceramic table with silkscreen printed top

Love this Bertozzi & Casoni table also. Somehow I am getting a feeling that mother nature is present here!!


love post

love bench

Designer: @ sovrappensiero

This park bench – A thing to view in the park


                              A place to view


                              A moment of pause


                              A shoulder to hang your worries on   

Loving the bench, the arch and you know for no reason I am blushing!!



It is a place to sit, a bench, a vase, a plant rooted directly in the ground. (the arch is designed in a tubular fashion and extended unto the ground level.)

 love bench

a green arch to frame you – a frame you can view green from

Forging complete harmony with nature by borrowing from nature – her green and incorporating in a design.

10 most cockiest furniture

Eimear – mirror

Designer: Colm Keller @ HDK

(showed at ‘Made by memories’ – Furniture fair 2008 )

look! I am so stylish! – says the cocky teenager resting against wall. (I love it)

In a design go a designer’s mood, ideas, hard work, and throwing away 100’s of blueprints. Everything is reflected in the design. It isn’t an easy job.

But a piece of furniture may evoke different emotions in the viewer – consumer; different then as perceived by the designer.

Hats off to designers’ creativity and meaning no offence:-

I declare these ten furniture – most cockiest, very interesting, funny, whimsical or plain mischievous in a subtle way.


Bellow – rocking chair

Designer: Neil Foley

this rocking chair sure wants to leap like a frog. (feel it would be fun and comfy though) 

Tango chair

Designer: Sigurdur Gústafsson @ Kallemo

why shouldn’t I be at party tonight!

Continue reading 10 most cockiest furniture

choose & vote

Will you vote for this design ?


(designer: Matthew Dollinger)

Or this ?

(designer: Kazumi Tanimura & Miyuki Habiro)

It is very difficult to choose from 10 equally beautiful designs already announced by the Bombay Sapphire as part of its 2008 Designer Glass Competition as top 10 US finalists.

It is time now for the People’s Prize Award.

Bombay Sapphire now invites YOU to vote online for this prize and choose your favourite glass.

Go here to view all the 10 finalists’ designs and vote.

Voting is on from April 28 to May 26, 2008.

The  US People’s prize winner will be announced on their Web site on June 5, 2008.