Designer: 25togo Design Studio
Yes, this is a concrete model of City Skyline but actually what it is?
Designer: 25togo Design Studio
Yes, this is a concrete model of City Skyline but actually what it is?
Skate Chair
Designer: Florent Lasbleiz @ Lasbleizdesign
“Relaxing doesn’t necessarily mean, not moving…”
– This is designer Florent Lasbleiz’s version!
Skating doesn’t necessarily mean standing and moving…..! Purely my version!
Me sporty enough! Nah?
(what other version lazy bones could think of!)
Do not forget to Check his incredible Angelique table and other designs here.
Designers: Olivier Brénac, Xavier Gonzalez @ Brenac & Gonzalez Atchitects
Structure = Organic form
Built = By weaving
Comfort = A cocoon like secure feel
Gross result = A furniture for outdoor and indoors too.
Net result = Peanut
I am (not a child but) ready to jump in!!!
Tree glasses
Designer: Snowden Flood
London based designer Snowden Flood is launching few exciting products at the Maison et Objet show in Paris. My favourite is these beautiful printed tree glasses – available as a set of four: Oaks, Firs, Birch Forest and Cherry Blossoms.
Her unmistakable style explores everyday surroundings but the products speak a pleasant, bold & a little uncommon language!
(Maison et Objet, 5- 9 September Villepinte Paris-Nord, Pavilion 5B, British European Design Group stand, no V44 – W 43)
Eternity bench (animated gif)
Designer: Naho Matsuno @ Naho Design
Creations in stunning simplicity!!!!!
These two benches/seating are made by Japanese designer Naho Matsuno.
The above bench is made from bamboo and the below one uses cotton rope.
Feel (animated gif)
Hey friends, get, set, ready!
For a dynamic show! Wait,
For a dynamic typography show! Moment,
For a folk tale in dynamic typography By Saaib Zafar.
Here depicted are a few screen-shot of a Tamil folklore ‘Outwitting fate’ (project done in a movie form).
I believe this is a simple, superbly crafted and brilliant typo tale!
I haven’t come across such an exciting combination before!
An architectural graduate and graduating student at Degree 44 – IDC IIT Saaib Zafar dabbles in many areas of design other than dynamic typography. Check his Portfolio here.