Designer: 25togo Design Studio
Yes, this is a concrete model of City Skyline but actually what it is?
Designer: 25togo Design Studio
Yes, this is a concrete model of City Skyline but actually what it is?
Brick Bag (prototype)
material: cable, textured paper cardboard
Designer: Inna Alesina @ Alesina Design
“Multipurpose, thief deterrent, humourous, stylish handbag.
All rolled into a pile of bricks”!!!
? This are designer’s words and I don’t feel like adding a single word!
Alesina Design produces innovative, award winning and environment friendly designs and products.
(This is a new series – Brick Lane – yes innnovative something about bricks and things!)
Skate Chair
Designer: Florent Lasbleiz @ Lasbleizdesign
“Relaxing doesn’t necessarily mean, not moving…”
– This is designer Florent Lasbleiz’s version!
Skating doesn’t necessarily mean standing and moving…..! Purely my version!
Me sporty enough! Nah?
(what other version lazy bones could think of!)
Do not forget to Check his incredible Angelique table and other designs here.