paper dolls


dolls – handmade paper

By Bombay Paperie


The Bombay Paperie is keeping craft of paper making by hand alive by actually following traditions and not using mechanical mould. Waste cotton fibre is used as raw material and paper is lifted by hand using a chhapri or grass mat. See the master craftsmen at work here. Hand made paper has been made in India for at least 500 years. Who introduced the technique in India and its history – to know more read here.

Few of the very interesting handmade paper products made by Bombay Paperie –



Continue reading paper dolls

pinocchio chair


Designer Julian Appelius              Pinocchio chair

A chair of your own size and your own imagination. Is it a game, yes but it is chair first!

Pinocchio is a child’s chair that grows with the child, who can have fun building it again and again.


It is an interplay of colour, form, and stability. The child decides how high should the seat be? Where should the supports be? German designer Julian Appelius certainly have a very playful and innovative child still in him!


The starting age is three for Pinocchio chair and a kid can build table , shelves etc. from the several chairs.

Pinocchio chair has won first prize in Promosedia International Design Competition, 2007.

wear your health


Designer Janneke Hooymans @ Tzep

What is eating you out?

What are you eating?

What your child is eating?

Habits chew you or nourish you?

An apple a day.

The story goes like this…

There was this little girl called Janneke. Her mom used to give her an apple attached to a string that she could wear to school and eat whenever she felt like it.

This piece was designed with this story in mind.

Do you want to wear this simple design great idea piece?

rain in light

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casa Delphin

FUSTER + Partners architects

Oh my! what  these architects are doing! That was my first expression after seeing their work and still that spell bounding effect has not changed at all.

Playing with light, manipulating light, exploring vertical dimension of light that’s what this Puerto Rico based architectural firm FUSTER + Partners do to the hilt. They are opening up spaces from their dark, hot, lonely environs blending interior to exterior so beautifully that you are mesmerized. To top all this they do not forget sustainable aspects and environmentally responsible design.

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casa Delphin


casa Delphin

The principal architects of this firm are Nataniel Fúster and George Stewart. Their architecture is modern and they say that modern architecture, in its most radical expression, is authentically tropical.








casa Delphin

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                       Sham House                               casa Delphin


Continue reading rain in light

hatch creativity


Designer Ted tao                                    Hatch

The idea behind this lamp -The ‘almost born’ has started breaking its egg, letting the first ray of life come inside. From outside translucent shell is glowing with signs of life. The lamp is a metaphor of life.

A team of young international designers work @ Hong Kong based Creativoo and design new kind of visual stimulus with tradition defying ideas.

These three lamps are from Creativoo’s designers under the brand name Minglo (pronounced Ming-Glow) from the T-series lamps.


Designer Gaelle Seznec                         Loop

In this architectural lamp you don’t need buttons and sensors. Instead use layers of moving glass to mechanically adjust its brightness.


Designer Gaelle Seznec                         Lune

From the different angles, the shape looks like a full moon or sometimes a crescent moon. Lune is the French word for moon.

happy Diwali!


                                         I just want to say…..

                                       A VERY HAPPY DIWALI!


 (especially to all my Gujarati  friends and readers for tomorrow)

        A very prosperous and fulfilling new year! Saal Mubarak!

I specially want to greet all my blogger friends too; whom of late I have not been able to communicate through comments.)  


                 (images via flickr)